Thursday 17 November 2016

Videogames that changed the world

Video games that changed the world

As everyone knows video games have changed the way people live especially young people however some video games have had a larger impact on the world as we know it today.  Some of these video games were the start of the industry and some just changed the game but they were all revolutionary nevertheless.

1. Spacewar! - the concept is simple enough, two players(spaceships) fight each other in space whilst being in the gravity well of a star in the middle of the screen, it was developed in 1962, this game was particulary game changing as it inspired the arcade games and the galaxy/space games.
2. Pong - it was the first arcade game which many people including young kids will know of even today, it is a game based on the real game ping pond however it is 2D meaning it is not as similar as you might think, the game was revolutionary as it was as formerly mentioned the earliest arcade game but most of all it was extremely successful.

3. Space Invaders - this is another iconic game it was said to have been the start of peoples addiction to video games this again is another game that was very successful and it is still recognised today by many people 

4. Tetris - i think this game speaks for itself when it comes to being on this list, this game along with Pacman are the most well recognised old games out there 

5. Super Smash Bros - another very popular game that it is a lot older than i originally thought which is known as 'the childhood game' to many people, it was extremely successful holding the best selling game for three decades

6. Doom - this game is probably the most influential games for first person shooters setting the bar for FPS games, to be honest i personally have not ever played this game however i have heard from many older people that it is a fantastic game and also if it weren't for this game there would be no Call of Duty which is one of the most popular games out there today however i recent years it has lost mojo

7. Final Fantasy 7 - this is the game that put RPGs(role playing games) on the map, it offered something new with it being 3D, originating in Japan it reached all over the world making Japanese games popular in other places, there is no doubt that this game is a classic

8. World of Warcraft -  this game is known as a MMORPG(massively multiplayer online role playing game) this game is very popular today with many of my friends being addicted to it, this game is popular with millions and is one of the first of its kind been able to have many people on one server at any given time

9. Angry Birds - this might be an odd game t have on here with it being a mobile game but it is the most popular mobile game and has made mobile games more popular than ever

10. Minecraft - this game is very popular to many people however it doesn't suit everyone but it still brought something new to the video gaming world at a time when nothing was new but just improved versions of the same thing, it also gave gamers something that lacked in many games: freedom and creativity

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